The first step in Effective Thinking is Understand Deeply. I think this makes you think effectively by understanding the problem first instead of trying to solve it first. You have to express your feelings about the problem and think about before you do anything else. Even if it takes you forever to understand, you have to think about it first.
The second step in Effective Thinking is Make Mistakes. You will never be expected to get it right the first time, that's why you get it wrong. It teaches you more about the problem and what you did to get it wrong. It makes you explore the question.
The third step in Effective Thinking is Raise Questions. This makes you expand your knowledge about the question. It makes you think more about the question and piece things together so you can answer the question.
The fourth step in Effective Thinking is Follow the Flow of Ideas. I didn't really understand this step, but i think it means to keep continuing the idea. In the book, it says "A new idea is a beginning, not an end" I think that means that an idea never ends and you have to continue thinking about it.
The very last step, step five, is Change. I think this triggers your inner ability to continue thinking effectively, to improve the way you think and keep asking questions.
I think the authors related each element to an element of nature to help you remember each element better. Earth-Understand Deeply. The Earth is full of mysteries that you need to think hard about. That means you have to deeply understand each and every question/fact that is made about the Earth.
Fire-Make Mistakes. Usually, when people make mistakes, even on purpose, people get angry or upset. Fire/red usually symbolizes anger or frustration.
Air-Raise Questions. When you raise questions, that means you bring them to the top of your mind and make everyone else think about them. So you raise a question to the top of their minds.
Water-Follow the Flow of Ideas. Rivers usually follow the current. When you follow an idea, that usually means you follow the current.
The Quintessential Element-Change. This means you change your idea and share it with everyone else. You let everyone know about your new idea and ask everyone why and how it should be changed.
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